终于开发完应用,在提交到 App Store 的时候,报如下的错误:
Invalid bundle. Because your app supports Multitasking on iPad, you need to include the LaunchScreen.storyboard launch storyboard file in your com.xxxxx.xxxxxx bundle. Use UILaunchScreen instead if the app’s MinimumOSVersion is 14 or higher and you prefer to configure the launch screen without storyboards. For details, see: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/information_property_list/uilaunchstoryboardname (ID: 529755e8-c1fc-41da-98bf-70d50b2a7114)
按照提示,打开文档UILaunchStoryboardName | Apple Developer Documentation
如果你的应用还是坚持要支持Multitasking,那么就需要在 info.plist
修改Launch screen interface file base name
, 不要带扩展名。